CADRE project governance is community led i.e., project partners and affiliates represent key stakeholders (researchers, data custodians, research support and research infrastructure providers) and user-communities.
All project partners have representatives on the steering committee and share project oversight i.e., providing organisational authority, participating in strategic decision-making and monitoring project progress.
The CADRE project is jointly overseen at steering committee level with the IRISS project.

Steering Committee
- Prof Nicholas Biddle, Centre for Social Research Methods, The Australian National University (Chair)
- Heath Marks, Australian Access Federation
- Ed Butler, AARNet
- Michael Alexander, Australian Institute of Family Studies
- Matthew James, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Jenny Fewster, Australian Research Data Commons
- Prof Stuart Barr, AURIN
- A/Prof Amir Aryani, Social Data Analytics Lab, Swinburne University
- Peter Vats, Research Graph Foundation
- Prof Julie McLeod, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne
- Prof Louisa Jorm, Centre for Big Data Research in Health, UNSW Sydney
- A/Prof Wojtek Tomaszewski, Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland
- Prof Mark Western, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
- Rebecca Fealy, Health and Economics Research Division, Department of Health (Commonwealth)
Project activity is overseen by a Steering Committee and managed through a Project Management Office (PMO), Content Working Group (CWG), Technical Working Group (TWG) and International Advisory Board (IAB). The Australian Data Archive (The Australian National University) as lead agent runs the Project Management Office and coordinates the Content and Technical working groups. All project partners provide their expertise and represent their organisation’s interests and user-communities directly in the two working groups.
Project management is overseen by Prof Nick Biddle, A/Prof Steven McEachern and Ingrid Mason.
International Advisory Board
Project affiliates working outside of Australia will receive outputs that arise from project activity (relevant to their area of expertise and organisation) and provide feedback and represent their organisation’s interests and user-communities indirectly.
- Prof Maggie Levenstein, (ICSPR, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research), Michigan University (USA)
- Prof Matthew Woollard, (UK Data Archive), University of Essex (UK)
- Prof Felix Ritchie, (DRAGoN, Data Research Access and Governance Network), University of the West of England (UK)
- Prof Barry Milne, (COMPASS), University of Auckland (NZ)
- Jonathan Crabtree, (ImPACT, Infrastructure for Privacy-Assured Computations), The Odum Institute, University of North Carolina (USA)